Sunday, May 06, 2007

Surely there's a better catch-phrase than SODs.

Our paper ran the New York Times story that I noted last month about much-older dads. If you missed it, you can read it here. Most of the story focuses on dads 60 and older - but many of them face the same issues fathers years younger do. I should point out, as I noted back in September, that the oldest group is not growing as most of the categories of older dads are. According to the CDC, in the last 20+ years the paternal birth rate increased for almost all age categories 30 and over. The only category where there wasn't an increase was men 55 and older, which stated the same: 0.3 births per 1,000 men.
Now, can we put our heads together and come up with a better phrase than SODs? It's short for start-over dads, but it makes me think of grass plugs. I usually refer to "Fathers after 40" as older dads. But even someone who has kids in his 20s will be an older dad someday - he may not be having new kids, but he's still a dad. There's got to be a better way of putting it.
Graphic: Lovin' the illustration by Journal artist Nick Weir.

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