Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Congratulations to...

Matt Lauer, the Today Show co-anchor, and his wife, Annette Roque, on the birth of their third child, a boy they have named Thijs in honor of Roque's Dutch heritage. Lauer is 48. Try as I might, I cannot find out how old his wife is.


Anonymous said...

Dear Paul: It's great to congratulate Matt Lauer and Elivs Costello, but it's like advocating playing Russian roulette. Please if you can, READ this whole paper, Advanced Paternal Age: How Old is too old? by Isabelle Bray et. al. and write about its plea for a debate on this issue.

Daddy G. said...

Thanks, I will try to find that article at WFU medical school's library. It's certainly worth debating, and I've covered, I think, many of the developments in research in advanced-paternal-age health risks that have come to the public's attention since I started this blog in September.

I must say, I'm interested to hear your perspective, and what brings you here. I hope you'll share.

Anonymous said...
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